Thanks to ssq | Steve and his good friend we now have a more permanent residence online than our usual adopted servers provided by multiplay and wireplay. The server is run 24/7 and has vote map enabled - I think. This will also allow us to have more team games at a far more regular basis than we have been having lately. This, as all of you must be aware, is an opportunity for as many of us ssq members to get together and have fun on one server. At the moment, I'm currently thinking of fortnightly sessions, but this may become weekly or even twice weekly if there are lots of people who like the idea.
The server is located at and is named 'Esses Queue: The Home of The Super Squirrels'.
Please have a look in the forum on the website ( where you can have your say on what you think about the new server and any ideas you may like to share with us.
ssq | SirFur
PS. Lots of peeps haven't yet signed up on the website....its quite nice really.....I'm being honest here! I will guarantee you will like it and I AM NOT asking a huge commitment to the site - its just somewhere where all you guys can relax and chill out in a casual way. Hope to see you there!